Sang-Ho Lee, The chairman of TONGIL MEDICAL CO., LTD donated personal donation to DONGGUK University
¡Û Sang-Ho Lee , The chairman of TONGIL MEDICAL CO. LTD donated personal donation to DONGGUK University
¡Û Chairman Lee , who founded ABC Medical Device Company in 1991 , has been carrying out various healthcare projects
and has been awarded the korea CIVIl Merit Medal in 2010 in recognition of his cotribution to improving public health
through the development of the medical industry.
¡Û "I'm happy to repay a little bit of the grace l've received from our society and others," the chairman Lee said.
"I'm grateful to Dongguk University officals for opening the way to contribute to the public interest,
and l hepe the donations will students' studies and research in related fields."
¡Û Dongguk University plans to use the fund for student scholarships and research incentives for excellent Professor
and teaching staff.
¡Û Sung-Yi Yoon , the president of DONGUK University said "This donation will bring great vitality to the medical device
industry , biotechnology , and bio-science-related fields and revitalize research."